
Security For Members

The wine grape industry in the Riverland has been a success story for Australia. However, its become increasingly difficult to navigate tough economic markets, water prices, and an increasingly volatile climate.
This means growers are facing more challenges than ever before.

That’s where we can help...

CCW offers contracts to members for up to 15 years, providing you with security and certainty each season.
CCW negotiates prices each vintage, enabling you to receive a commercially competitive return along with the benefits of any subsequent negotiations regarding price variations.
CCW will work on building sustained demand for our produce across all markets.
Our viticulture expert is happy to visit your vineyard and provide free advice on pest, disease, water use, technology, and crop maximisation.
2 growers by grape vines

Our Goals

We are constantly looking for ways to increase value for members, and have set out clear goals to improve members long term financial security in our Strategic Plan. Some of the ways we’re doing that include:
Secure viable revenue streams
Provide beneficial services and support to our grower members
Open and honest communication and engagement
with our grower members

A Message From Our General Manager

Peter Szabo

The CCW Co-operative goes well beyond what its name would suggest.
It is not just a group of members growing grapes, but rather,
“it is family”
“it is community”
“it is people collaboratively working towards ongoing regional prosperity.”
My role in this, is to firstly listen. Listen to members, listen to community and listen to the wider industry. It is only through the understanding gained from this that the Management Team and the Board can enact the strategies required to achieve the best results for members.
I believe that the Riverland has always been the powerhouse of grape production in Australia and CCW has been, and will continue to be, integral to this.
Peter Szabo    Mob: 0407 186 616

Interested in becoming a member?